Saturday, August 30, 2008

Blog Smog

Updating this blog is a pain in the ass!

Just got home from shredding downtown with Greg Trevino. So fun. Skated a spot that I always get kicked out of immediately. No one hasseled up the entire time we were there and Greg got a trick in the books.

FYI: I'm shooting for a Thanksgiving-time premier for this video.

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Some photos from the last month or so. Some from downtown, some from around MI and some from the Chicago trip. Been very busy. Summer is winding down but fall skating in MI rules. For some reason Flickr squished my photos into 4X3. Hmmm...

Hooking up the sign so Pat can grind the roof.
Hooking It Up

PG Wallride.
PG Wallride

Farmington cops, unlike Troy cops, suck.
Farmington Pigs

Parking garage eye view.
Crew From Above

Eric Nowacki peacing out.
Nowacki Peace

Crew from Chicago.
Chi-Town Crew

Leaving Chicago. Beauty shot. And Rob's hand.

Friday, August 8, 2008

No Big Deal...

If you pay attention to the Plus site you may have noticed Rob say he's been skating for 20 years. Started in 1988. I started in 1986, shortly after seeing Back To The Future. So combined, we've been skating for 42 years. Damn. No big deal. Skateboarding rules. Go to the Ledge Game Of Skate/Skate Jam on Sunday. Check the Plus site for details.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Finally Found A Second...

To update this thing. Sheesh. Been super busy filming (and working). Went to Chi-Town and got some footage from Nowacki, Hota & Jesse. Hendy has been out killing it, Harris too and we got some sick stuff with PG last night. Troy cops are the coolest. No joke! These are some photos from the Chicago filming trip.

15 minutes after we head & camera down. Luckily both were ok.
Camera Down

Nowacki with some pop.
EN Bench Ollie

Bobby is gnarly. He scared me a few times this day. He is a skitching master.
Bobby Skitching Cab

Nowacki & Hota met us on their bikes.
Nowacki On Bike

Hota, Andrew Pogo & Josh Kryzwonos chilling @ the first spot.
Hota, Pogo & Josh